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Bengal tigers live in India and are sometimes called Indian tigers. They are the most common tiger and number about half of all wild tigers. It is estimated that there are less than 3,000 Bengal tigers left in the wild. In this lesson plan, students learn about Bengal Tigers, their endangered status, and the ecosystem in which they call home. They create a tiger habitat using homemade chocolate clay, and create their own mangrove forest using common art supplies.  60 min | Ages 5-10 

Paint Tiger Figure
Make Jungle Mud Chocolate Dough
Build Tiger Habitat

This download comes with a detailed lesson plan and a supply list to gather your materials. You will also need to order enough wooden tiger figures ahead of class. We recommend buying materials at least 14 days before your class to ensure the tigers arrive on time, and to plan about 3-4 hours of prep depending on the size of your class.